Bankruptcy Attorney | 10 Simple Ways to Stretch Your Holiday Budget
Bankruptcy Attorney | The holiday season is upon us, and for many people, that means spending too much. So much, in fact, that many people will be paying off those holiday shopping bills well into the new year, or racking up interest charges that may never be fully paid off.
If you want to enjoy the holiday season without sinking further into debt, now is the time to make a plan. If you plan ahead and shop with a plan, you can stretch your holiday budget and still treat your family and friends to the presents they want.
. Include and budget all costs, including wrapping paper, postage, and delivery.
Keep your receipts and take advantage of price matching. Record every purchase you make and keep the receipts in a safe place. Many stores offer price matching, even for competitors’ ads.
Set a budget for everyone on your list and stick to it. Make your per-person budget realistic based on the nature of the relationship and the age of the recipient.
Consider setting up a gift exchange if you have a big family. That way you can buy a single gift for one person instead of multiple small gifts for everyone in your family.
Shop around online and off. Comparison shopping is a great way to save money during the holiday season, and sometimes the best deals are the ones online.
Max Gardner represents debtors, creditors, trustees, and creditors’ committees in Chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13. He has extensive bankruptcy litigation experience in trying cases involving discharge ability of debts, preferences, fraudulent conveyances, objections to claims, objections to exemptions, plan confirmation and a variety of other actions obtaining declaratory relief from the Bankruptcy Court. He also practices general debtor/creditor law in Kern County Superior Court. He is a long-time member of the Bankruptcy Dispute Resolution Panel for the United States Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of California.
Mr. Gardner’s law office is located at 1925 G Street in Bakersfield, CA. Office phone: 661-888-4335