Bankruptcy Lawyer | Where An Experienced Attorney Is Helpful
Bankruptcy Lawyer | When seeking the help of a bankruptcy lawyer, experience matters. Dealing with a variety of debts, such as student loans, foreclosures, credit cards and others can present a complex puzzle for attorneys unfamiliar with the process. Experience is particularly needed when dealing with the following:
Familiarity With the Procedure and Players Involved:
Bankruptcy attorneys deal with the same panel of bankruptcy trustees, the same judges, and often deal with the same set of creditors and attorneys. Finding an attorney who is not only accustomed to dealing with the legal aspects of debt, but one who is comfortable in dealing with the same circle of parties is often the best choice. When you hire an attorney, you are hiring his reputation. Look for an attorney who has practiced in Kern and Inyo counties over a long period of time. Attorney will develop a reputation as to the quality of their filings. Those good reputations make your case go smoother. All Bankruptcy courts have local rules, and often judges have their own un-published rules and preferences. In almost all cases, I refer out of town clients to local attorneys.
Familiarity with the law.
Bankruptcy law is fluid and changes. Bankruptcy lawyers are required to undergo mandatory continuing legal education. Not all obtain continuing education in their field. Bankruptcy lawyers in California can become certified specialists by the State Bar of California. I have been a certified specialist in bankruptcy since 1995.
Our office can assist you in determining whether bankruptcy is the right choice for you, and which chapter under the Bankruptcy Code would provide you with the most relief. To schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable Bakersfield bankruptcy lawyer about filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Kern County, please call our office today at 661-888-4335 .