by Max Gardner | Jul 31, 2016 | bakersfield bankruptcy attorney
Bankruptcy Attorney | Wage Garnishments in Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Attorney | Wage garnishments can have a devastating impact on one’s life resulting in loss of substantial income and can sometimes come out of nowhere when you are not prepared for it. One of...
by Max Gardner | Jul 29, 2016 | bakersfield bankruptcy attorney
Bankruptcy Attorney | Bankruptcy Myths Pt. 1 Bankruptcy Attorney | We all have preconceived ideas about consumer bankruptcy, but the most common stereotype of bankruptcy doesn’t stir up a lot of sympathy for most of us. We picture a young, reckless American...
by Max Gardner | Jul 22, 2016 | bakersfield bankruptcy attorney
Bankruptcy Attorney | Why People Get Harassed More Than Others Pt. 1 Bankruptcy Attorney | What drives many clients to my Bakersfield bankruptcy office is the constant harassment of debt collectors — daily phone calls, collection letters, contact at work and home,...
by Max Gardner | Jul 21, 2016 | bakersfield bankruptcy attorney
Bankruptcy Attorney | Payday Loans and Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Attorney | Clients with payday loans often say. “The payday loan place said I can’t file bankruptcy on them!” Well, like many other “truths” told by collectors to people considering bankruptcy, that’s just...
by Max Gardner | Jul 19, 2016 | bakersfield bankruptcy lawyer
Bankruptcy Lawyer | Should I Hire a Non-Attorney Bankruptcy Preparer? Pt. 2 Bankruptcy Lawyer | A well-drafted and accurate bankruptcy petition have fewer problems and go through the bankruptcy court system faster. A few mistakes can cause problems, make your...